Welcome new 2009-2010 APUSH students

Your success in this class begins with the summer assignment.
Due dates are:
June 29 for Bailey textbook ID/SIGs & reading questions chapters 1, 2 & 3 and Zinn book questions chapter 1.
July 13 for Bailey textbook ID/SIGs & reading questions chapters 4, 5 & 6 and Zinn book questions chapters 2 & 3.
All assignments should be emailed to montclairapush@hotmail.com on or before the due date. All answers should be typed into the body of the email text (no attachments will be accepted) in two complete emails -- do not send multiple emails for each chapter.
Good luck! I look forward to meeting you again in August.
"Great work is done by people who are not afraid to be great." ~Fernando Flores

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