Chapter 7 & 8 ID/SIGs are due Aug. 29:

Chapter 7
1. boycott
2. Sons of Liberty
3. Navigation Acts
4. Declaratory Act
5. 1st Continental Congress
6. Sugar Act
7. Townshend Act
8. Quartering Act
9. Boston Massacre
10. Boston Tea Party

11. Mercantilism
12. Admirility Court

Chapter 8
1. William Howe
2. Nathanael Greene
3. Benedict Arnold
4. John Jay
5. Natural rights
6. Privateering
7. Second Continental Congress
8. Common Sense
9. Declaration of Independence
Treaty of Paris of 1783
11. Thomas Paine
12. Marquis de Lafayette
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." ~George Santayana

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