Chapter 27 - 29 ID/SIGs due Jan. 30:

Ch. 27
Sioux Wars
Dawes Severalty Act
Patrons of Husbandry
Comstock Lode
Long Drive
Homestead Act
Ghost Dance
farmer’s Alliance
Battle of Wounded Knee

Ch. 28
"Billion-Dollar" Congress
homestead strike
"Cross of Gold" speech
Sherman Silver Purchase Act
Dingley Tariff
McKinley Tariff
Pullman strike
Gold Standard Act
Omaha platform
Wilson-Gorman Tariff

Ch. 29
Alfred Thayer Mahan
James G. Blaine
Dupuy de Lome
Emiliano Aquinaldo
Richard Olney
Theodore Roosevelt
Pan American Conference
Rough Riders
Foraker Act
"Destiny, n: a tyrant's authority for crime and a fool's excuse for failure." ~Ambrose Bierce

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