Chapter 15-18 ID/SIGs due November 7:

Chapter 15
Samuel Slater
Eli Whitney
Robert Fulton
Samuel F.B. Morse
cult of domesticity
cotton gin
Pony Express
Commonwealth v. Hunt
Tammany Hall

Chapter 16
Dorothea Dix
Lucretia Mott
Susan B. Anthony
Charles G. Finney
Brigham Young
Second Great Awakening
Declaration of Sentiments

Chapter 17
Harriet Beecher Stowe
William Lloyd Garrison
Nat Turner
Sojourner Truth
Frederick Douglass
The Liberator
peculiar institution
Liberty party
gag resolution

Chapter 18
John Slidell
Winfield Scott
Manifest Destiny
Webster-Ashburton Treaty
"spot" resolutions
Tariff of 1842
Bear Flag revolt
Hudson's Bay Company
Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo
Wilmot Proviso
"Diplomacy; the art of saying 'nice doggie' till you find a rock." ~Wynn Catlin

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