Chapter 19-22 ID/SIGs due November 28:

Chapter 19
Wilmot Proviso
"fire eaters"
Free Soil party
Fugitive Slave Law
"conscience Whigs”
Placer mining
Fugitive Slave Law of 1850
Winfield Scott
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Mason-Dixon Line

Chapter 20
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Dred Scott decision
Tariff of 1857
Lincoln-Douglas debates
“Freeport Doctrine”
John Brown
"Bleeding Kansas"
Panic of 1857
Harpers Ferry
Crittenden Compromise

Chapter 21
Robert E. Lee
“cotton famine”
Trent affair
Jefferson Davis
New York CityDraft Riots
Morrill Tariff Act
Homestead Act

Chapter 22
“Stonewall” Jackson
Battleof Antietam
Battleof Gettysburg
Battleof Vicksburg
First Battle of Bull Run
Battleof Cold Harbor
Thirteenth Amendment
Battleof Chancellorsville
Battleof Fredericksburg
Battleof Shiloh
"The voice of the people is the voice of God (Vox populi,vox dei.)"~Latin proverb

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