Chapter 9 and 10 ID/SIGs due September 15:

Ch. 9 
1.  federation 
2.  checks and balances 
3.  states' rights 
4.  popular sovereignty 
5.  "Great Compromise"
6.  Electoral College 
7.  "three-fifths compromise" 
8.  Northwest Ordinance 
9.  antifederalists 
10. Shay's Rebellion 
11. Federalists 
12. Constitution of the United States 
Ch. 10 
1.  Citizen Genêt 
2.  strict construction 
3.  implied powers 
4.  tariff agrarian 
5.  compact theory 
6.  nullification 
7.  Bank of the United States 
8.  Bill of Rights 
9.  Jay's Treaty 
10. Whiskey Rebellion 
11. Judiciary Act of 1789 
12. XYZ affair 
"My definition of a free society is a society where it is safe to be unpopular." ~Adlai Stevenson

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